Baselworld 2012

Baseldworld just opened its doors

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Published by 574 on March 8, 2012 at 02:00 p.m..
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Federal Councillor Schneider-Ammann opening
BASELWORLD 2012 – The Watch and Jewellery Show

The BASELWORLD Watch and Jewellery Show is being staged from March 8 to 15, 2012 in Basel. Switzerland's Minister of Economic Affairs, Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann, will be opening the show. For the 1,815 exhibiting companies and more than 100,000 professional visitors from all over the globe, BASELWORLD 2012 marks the decisive industry event of the year. The show is being held in its current confi¬guration for the last time.

The world's biggest and most important show for the watch and jewellery industry, BASELWORLD, is opening its doors on Thursday, March 8, 2012 in Basel. With a surface area of 160,000 m2, BASELWORLD 2012 is the biggest exhibition staged in Switzerland. The innovations and trends presented at BASELWORLD confirm its position as the globally leading show for the watch and jewellery industry.

The opening ceremony will be conducted by Federal Councillor, Johann Schneider-Ammann, together with Christoph Brutschin (Councillor of the Canton of Basel-Stadt), Jacques J. Duchêne (President of the Exhibitors' Committee) and René Kamm
(CEO of the MCH Group).

A total of 1,815 exhibitors from the watch and jewellery sector, representing 41 different countries, will be showcasing their latest models and collections at the topmost level at BASELWORLD. This time again, a large number of the exhibiting companies are partici¬pating solely in BASELWORLD. More than 100,000 trade visitors and more than 3,000 media representatives from 100 countries are expected to attend the show.

Enormous economic importance of BASELWORLD

The presence of the Minister of Economic Affairs, Johann
Schneider-Ammann, underlines the key importance of the World Watch and Jewellery Show for the Swiss watch industry. In 2011, Switzerland's watch industry increased its exports to CHF 19.3 billion, as the third most important industrial sector in the country. The Swiss exhibitors represented in Basel account for more than 90% of this export volume. This year too, therefore, BASELWORLD marks the unique highlight for Switzerland's watch industry and associated supplier industries.

Work on new buildings for BASELWORLD 2013 on schedule

The building work on the impressive new hall complex which is to be brought into operation for BASELWORLD 2013 is progressing on schedule. The central section of the new building is already standing.

BASELWORLD 2012 is thus the last show to be conducted in the configuration employed to date. Once this year's show has ended, a start will be made on the second main construction phase: between April 2012 and February 2013, Hall 3 and the entrance section of Hall 1 will be demolished and the new building completed.

The building work, which has come to a complete halt for the moment, will not affect BASELWORLD 2012 in any way.

BASELWORLD 2012 – The World Watch and Jewellery Show

Date: Thursday, March 8 to Thursday, March 15, 2012
Venue: Exhibition Center Basel (Messe Basel)
Opening hours: Daily from 9 am to 6 pm
On the final day from 9 am to 4 pm
Admission prices: 1 day pass CHF 60.00
8 day pass CHF 150.00
Organiser: MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd.
Internet: Baselworld 2012

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