CORUM The human face of the watch industry
"The components of society are not human beings, but the relationships between them."
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- Summary
Friday June 5th 2009, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. When the Human Resources policy and the human being found a place in the heart of a company.
The CORUM Maison founded in 1955, creates a new milestone in the history of watchmaking, becoming a pioneer in the field of « EQUAL SALARY ». CORUM creates a precedent by positioning itself as the first luxury watch company to obtain the certification of "EQUAL SALARY" and the fourth company in Switzerland to get this label.
Since January 24th 2008, Antonio Calce, CORUM CEO and Yolaine Bôle, Director of Human Resources have been working on the certification process "EQUAL SALARY" which was regarded on June 5th 2009 with the official award certificate received from Véronique Goy Veenhuys, project initiator of "EQUAL SALARY".
This recognition confirms that the CORUM Maison has defined and implemented a fair wage policy and does not apply any discrimination between male and female employees, demonstrating a commitment of management and human resources to this fair policy and strengthening confidence both inside and outside the company.
Recognizing the value of its human capital, CORUM wanted to confirm to its employees, its willingness to provide an ideal working framework and conditions, by ensuring a fair and supportive policy. Ensuring an equal salary between men and women, CORUM will develop not only a recognized format, but also a significant marketing advantage and greater employee confidence. At the announcement of the certification, CORUM employees gathered for the occasion and expressed their great enthusiasm. It is an important message given by the brand in a difficult economic environment and thus, motivational for employees.
The certification process in a few words.
"EQUAL SALARY” was created on the initiative of Véronique Goy Veenhuys, in collaboration with Professor Yves Flückiger, Director of the Employment University Observatory (OUE) in Geneva. There is still a 19% difference in wages between men and women in Switzerland according to the statistics. The certification process takes place in two stages, the first relates to a quantitative assessment, based on a standard statistical methodology. During this phase, the mandate is given to the Employment University Observatory of the Geneva University (OUE) to carry out a statistical measure of the company wage policy to determine if it is non discriminatory and fair between women and men.
The OUE delivers its report to the company and to the certification authority. If the level of discrimination observed is lower than 5%, the procedure continues with the second stage which focuses on a qualitative audit of the company wage policy based on three levels: management, human resources and staff.
Once the audit is complete and if the company meets the requirements set, the SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) issues a certificate to the company. The label "EQUAL SALARY” is granted to the company for a period of three years during which surveillance audits will be conducted to ensure that certification is still valid. Before the end of three years, the company has to file an application to be re-certified.
History of politics "EQUAL SALARY"
Developed since 2005, the first certification was awarded to the CSEM (Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology SA) in Neuchâtel in December 2007. The World Economic Forum received his label "EQUAL SALARY '• last April and the City of Freiburg (Switzerland) in May. The CORUM Maison creates a precedent by positioning itself as the first luxury watch company to obtain the certification of "EQUAL SALARY" and the fourth company in Switzerland to get this label.
Antonio Calce, CEO of Montres Corum, said: "A company’s value is based on its human beings. As we dully want to respect the value of each of our employees, we have decided to respect the equity principle by applying all necessary measures to ensure equal salary between women and men in CORUM. This certification also allows us to give our staff a strong message of our support and respect in a difficult economic period. I would add that this equality has developed naturally within our company, as we apply fairness in its broadest sense. Indeed, we also encourage part-time work for women. It is the responsibility of our company and I am keen to deliver this policy, to implement a human resources strategy that enables women to combine their careers and their role of motherhood. By focusing on human beings, we value our unity, our solidarity and we protect our values. Our union is our strength ».
Yolaine Bôle, Director of Human Resources CORUM, added: "This certification helps to establish our image and differentiate us in the watch industry, affirming that a family business of average size can reach a recognition of the equity principle both for the salary, the training and the human capital enhancement. By becoming the first watch company to receive this certification, CORUM clearly furthers itself, in terms of recruitment, from the competition. "
For more information on EQUAL SALARY”
Equal salary